Fellowship Requirements Include:
Learning Seminars: Our community of learners is diverse, and each fellow brings a different lens to their work. Let’s learn from and with each other. Participate in six learning seminars on topics relevant to work in the Jewish nonprofit sector. Seminars will take place six times a year in various locations.
Community Engagement: We want our fellows to have their ears on the ground and engage with community as they learn in the classroom. Students required by their program to intern, and who have at least one year of internship remaining in their program, will be required to intern with a Jewish nonprofit organization, Jewish day school, or synagogue in the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, or Westchester. This is particularly relevant for social work students. Fellows with no New York internship requirement or work commitment will be required to engage in a community event, site visit, or volunteer opportunity three times during the academic year. Volunteer on MLK Day. Learn at BASE Hillel. Attend an antipoverty conference at UJA. A full list of suggestions and guidelines will be provided for fellows to select. In year two, students without a work commitment or internship requirement will be asked to develop a project with an organization in UJA’s network of organizations.
Commitment to the Jewish Nonprofit Sector: Our goal is to develop high-quality professionals for work in the Jewish nonprofit sector. Fellows will commit to at least one year of employment after graduation within a Jewish nonprofit organization, Jewish day school, or synagogue, preferably in the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, or Westchester.