Sales for this event are closed as we have reached maximum capacity. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Ordan.
Join us for a memorial tribute as we celebrate the life and legacy of Senator Joe Lieberman, z”l, at this year’s Israel Matters.
The evening will mark the commemoration of Senator Lieberman’s first yahrzeit, together with a panel discussion that will explore how the senator’s passion for Israel and its relationship with the United States continue to influence policy and democracy today.
We’ll also enjoy a cocktail reception and exclusive screening of the documentary Centered: Joe Lieberman, which brings to life his trailblazing journey, from the early years to becoming the first Jewish vice-presidential candidate.
Plus, we’ll learn more about UJA’s powerful work helping Israel heal and rebuild.
All attendees will receive a copy of the senator’s book, Faith’s Answers to America’s Political Crisis.
This event is hosted by UJA Interboro Women. Men and women are welcome to attend. Dietary laws observed.